
Types of CMS

All content management systems can be divided into four types: open source, boxed, custom, and frameworks. Let us briefly analyze how CMS of different types differ from each other.

Open source CMS

Open source means that the engine can be modified by anyone. Thanks to this, new add-ons and themes appear regularly in such CMSs, and vulnerabilities are found and fixed faster. This is one of the main reasons why WordPress has become such a popular engine. Popular open source CMS: WordPress, OpenCart, Joomla!, Drupal, Magento, PrestaShop.

Boxed CMS

In fact, such engines differ only in the fact that they have closed source code, which means that only official developers can make changes to the engine. This does not mean that such CMS systems are less secure or have worse functionality, but the number of themes and add-ons is usually really smaller. Popular CMS out of the box: Tilda, Wix, SitePro, Shopify, Squarespace.

Self-hosted CMS

Such engines are developed to order for a specific project. Their functionality is not as wide as that of out-of-the-box or open-source CMSs, but it is as suitable as possible for the tasks at hand and does not contain unnecessary tools. The only thing is that if you need to expand the functionality or close vulnerabilities, you will have to contact the engine developer or look for a specialist who will understand the code from scratch, which means money and time. The user Habrahabra described the experience and expediency of developing his own CMS in an interesting way.


A framework is an add-on over a programming language; a set of libraries that can be used to create a website for any task. Developing a website on a framework will require more money and time, and in addition to the site, you will need to develop a separate site control panel, which is another site. But this way you can implement any functionality you need. That is, for atypical projects, this method will be just right. Plus, the performance of a well-made website on a framework will be higher. Popular frameworks: Laravel, Ruby on Rails, Django.